c3 plants, by contrast, do both jobs in the same place 相比之下,c3植物则是在同一类细胞中完成这两个步骤。
And the rubpcase activity in c4 plants is higher than in c3 plants because of concentrating co2 at the site 气孔特性调节光合作用效率,气孔特性的改善对光合作用的提高有至关重要的影响。
The forest cover rate of the beijiang river drainage basin is higher . affected by c3 plant, its poc 8 13c value was lighter 北江流域森林覆盖率较高,受c_3植物影响明显,故北江水体中poc~(13)c值最轻。
Turning a c3 plant into a c4 one, though, is trickier than conferring flood resistance, since it involves wholesale changes in anatomy 不过,将c3植物转化成c4植物由于涉及无数的结构变化,因此比培育抗涝品种要更为复杂。
3 . stomata characteristic is very important to improve photosynthetic capacity . the stomata of c4 plants such as echinochloa rusgalli, maize, are larger than c3 plants such as rice and stomata density of c4 plants is less than c3 plants c_4植物长芒稗、玉米等气孔较大,但单位面积气孔数少,水稻及其杂交后代的气孔器大小显著小于c_4植物,而ygfl的气孔器大小略大于其母本。
3 . stomata characteristic is very important to improve photosynthetic capacity . the stomata of c4 plants such as echinochloa rusgalli, maize, are larger than c3 plants such as rice and stomata density of c4 plants is less than c3 plants c_4植物长芒稗、玉米等气孔较大,但单位面积气孔数少,水稻及其杂交后代的气孔器大小显著小于c_4植物,而ygfl的气孔器大小略大于其母本。
The results showed that the analysis of isotope could restore the main food component into such type as c3 plants, c4 plants, animals or sea food, furthermore the analysis of trace element could identify the concrete plant or animal 研究结果表明同位素分析结果能够揭示当时人的食物到底以c3植物、c4植物、食草动物、海产资源的哪个为主这一问题,而微量元素分析结果能够在同位素分析所分类的大类型中,进一步探讨具体的动植物种类。
We studied on net photosynthesis, key enzyme activities, stomata conductance and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in c3 plants, c4 plants and rice-echinochloa rusgalli hybrids . the major results were as follows : 1 . compared with c3 plants, c4 plants have higher photosynthetic rate . in different periods, photosynthetic rate is higher than c3 plants and the advantage decreases with the plants maturing 各个时期c_4植物的光合速率的平均值均高于c_3植物,各个时期c_4植物表现出的光合速率的优势随着植株的衰老而降低,在生长旺盛期,c_4植物的光合速率的优势达到30以上。
We studied on net photosynthesis, key enzyme activities, stomata conductance and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in c3 plants, c4 plants and rice-echinochloa rusgalli hybrids . the major results were as follows : 1 . compared with c3 plants, c4 plants have higher photosynthetic rate . in different periods, photosynthetic rate is higher than c3 plants and the advantage decreases with the plants maturing 各个时期c_4植物的光合速率的平均值均高于c_3植物,各个时期c_4植物表现出的光合速率的优势随着植株的衰老而降低,在生长旺盛期,c_4植物的光合速率的优势达到30以上。
We studied on net photosynthesis, key enzyme activities, stomata conductance and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in c3 plants, c4 plants and rice-echinochloa rusgalli hybrids . the major results were as follows : 1 . compared with c3 plants, c4 plants have higher photosynthetic rate . in different periods, photosynthetic rate is higher than c3 plants and the advantage decreases with the plants maturing 各个时期c_4植物的光合速率的平均值均高于c_3植物,各个时期c_4植物表现出的光合速率的优势随着植株的衰老而降低,在生长旺盛期,c_4植物的光合速率的优势达到30以上。